Gulf Education and Social Policy Review

ISSN: 2709-0191

Pioneering research on education and social policy in the Gulf region.

Reflecting on the Distance Learning Provision in Dubai Private Schools

Published date: Jan 31 2022

Journal Title: Gulf Education and Social Policy Review

Issue title: Gulf Education and Social Policy Review (GESPR): Volume 2, Issue 2

Pages: 193 - 210

DOI: 10.18502/gespr.v2i1.10049


Charlotte Dawsonmrscjdawson@gmail.comTampere University of Applied Sciences, Tampere, Finland

Claire HeylinTampere University of Applied Sciences, Tampere, Finland


The purpose of this article is to reflect on the online learning offered by Dubai private schools in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This article considers both positive and negative features of provision, in order to suggest recommendations for future outbreaks. A comprehensive review of literature synthesizes with the results of an online survey. The period of March until July 2020 is referred to as Phase 1 of online learning. Phase 2 covers September and December 2020. The findings show that educators were generally positive toward online learning but have mixed opinions regarding the permanence, opportunities, and approaches of individual schools. Teachers discussed the progression of online learning within their settings and made multiple recommendations for the future including focusing on social–emotional development and well-being, limiting screen time where possible, ensuring Ed-Tech is appropriate for individual needs, and committing to an ongoing evaluation of curriculum adaptation. It was also suggested that schools review their approach to building technological skills, as well as the age in which this area of development is encouraged.

Keywords: Dubai, Online, Learning, Education, COVID-19


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