West Kazakhstan Medical Journal

ISSN: 2707-6180 (Print) 2707-6199 (Online)

Pioneering research advancing the frontiers of medical knowledge and healthcare practices.

The Role of Environmental Education in Improving Human Health: Literature Review

Published date: Dec 20 2024

Journal Title: West Kazakhstan Medical Journal

Issue title: West Kazakhstan Medical Journal: Volume 66 Issue 4

Pages: 373 - 386

DOI: 10.18502/wkmj.v66i4.17769


Marjan Baranimarjanbaranii@yahoo.comDepartment of Political Science, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr


Environmental education (EE) has garnered attention for its potential to improve human health through various mechanisms. This literature review investigates the multifaceted role of EE in enhancing physical activity, promoting sustainable behaviors, and fostering psychological well-being. The integration of EE into school curricula, such as through outdoor classrooms and school gardens, has been shown to increase physical activity levels among students, leading to improved physical health outcomes, including reduced obesity rates and enhanced cardiovascular fitness. Additionally, EE programs that focus on organic farming and local food systems significantly influence participants’ dietary choices, promoting healthier eating habits and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Furthermore, EE initiatives that emphasize reducing plastic use and promoting recycling contribute to lower environmental pollution and associated health risks. Psychological and social benefits, including reduced stress and anxiety levels and enhanced social cohesion, are also highlighted as key outcomes of EE programs. The empowerment of individuals and communities to advocate for health-promoting environmental policies is another notable benefit of EE, as it fosters environmental literacy and policy engagement. Despite these strengths, the review identifies gaps in the current research, such as the need for standardized program designs, objective measures of health behaviors, and longitudinal studies to assess long-term impacts. Addressing these gaps will enhance the understanding and effectiveness of EE in improving human health. This review underscores the importance of continued investment in and expansion of EE programs to maximize their health benefits and contribute to sustainable public health improvements.

Keywords: environmental education, human health, sustainable behaviors, environmental pollution


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