West Kazakhstan Medical Journal
ISSN: 2707-6180 (Print) 2707-6199 (Online)
Pioneering research advancing the frontiers of medical knowledge and healthcare practices.
Assessment of Sexual Dimorphism in Morphological Indices of the Second Cervical Vertebra: Implications for Forensic Medicine and Medical Diagnostics
Published date: Sep 26 2024
Journal Title: West Kazakhstan Medical Journal
Issue title: West Kazakhstan Medical Journal: Volume 66 Issue 3
Pages: 312 - 330
Accurate determination of sexual dimorphism in skeletal structures is crucial in forensic anthropology and medical diagnostics. This study aimed to assess sexual dimorphism in various indices of the second cervical vertebra (axis) and other associated structures. A comprehensive analysis was conducted on axis dimensions, vertebral foraminal measurements, body diameters, odontoid process parameters, and auricular facet indices in male and female subjects. A total of 122 specimens were examined, comprising 62 male and 62 female specimens. The analysis revealed significant differences between male and female subjects in various morphological indices. In terms of axial dimensions, males exhibited larger average height, length, and width of the axis compared to females, indicating sexual dimorphism. Similarly, significant differences were observed in the maximum length and width of the vertebral foramen, with males demonstrating larger measurements. Additionally, males showed larger transverse and sagittal diameters of the body compared to females. Regarding the odontoid process, males displayed greater sagittal and transverse diameters, as well as maximum height, suggesting sexual dimorphism in this aspect. Furthermore, significant differences were noted in the mean sagittal angle of the dens axis between males and females. Analysis of the superior and inferior auricular facets also indicated notable morphological variations between the sexes. The findings highlight pronounced sexual dimorphism in the morphology of the second cervical vertebra and associated structures. These results underscore the importance of considering sex-related variations in skeletal assessments for forensic and diagnostic purposes. Further research in this area can enhance the accuracy of sex determination in skeletal remains and contribute to the development of new identification methodologies.
Keywords: sexual dimorphism, second cervical vertebra, forensic anthropology, morphological indices
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