West Kazakhstan Medical Journal
ISSN: 2707-6180 (Print) 2707-6199 (Online)
Pioneering research advancing the frontiers of medical knowledge and healthcare practices.
Squid as a Model Organism - Part 2: Biomedical and Tissue Engineering Technologies of Skin
Published date: Mar 14 2024
Journal Title: West Kazakhstan Medical Journal
Issue title: West Kazakhstan Medical Journal: Volume 66 Issue 1
Pages: 43 - 53
Nature has always been the greatest teacher for humans, and many of our inventions have been inspired by a careful examination of natural phenomena. Even today, despite significant advancements in technology, scientists continue to turn to nature to find solutions to problems and enhance various systems. Discovering the complex mechanisms within the bodies of living organisms has consistently provided a foundation for numerous ideas and innovations. The colossal squid, with its unique characteristics, has recently garnered the attention of many scientists, serving as a source of inspiration for diverse medical and engineering designs. In this study, we will focus on the squid’s skin and its camouflage mechanisms, highlighting how humanity has leveraged this remarkable creature for scientific, and engineering progress.
Keywords: squid, nature-inspired, biotechnology, biological and engineering technologies
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