Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences

ISSN: 1858-5051

High-impact research on the latest developments in medicine and healthcare across MENA and Africa

The Path of Undergraduate Medical Education in Sudan

Published date: Dec 26 2019

Journal Title: Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences

Issue title: Sudan JMS: Volume 14 (2019), Issue No. 4

Pages: 188–201

DOI: 10.18502/sjms.v14i4.5899


Tahra Al Sadig Al Mahdi


Background: Sudan’s experience with undergraduate Medical Education (UME) stated in 1924 with one school, currently there are about 66 medical schools. During this period many local and global socioeconomic events took place and molded UME. This study was set to document the course and influencing factors that shaped Sudanese UME.

Methods: An extensive literature search was conducted, all the relevant articles and websites were accessed, hard copy documents were reviewed and personal communications with eminent Sudanese figures in the field were conducted.

Results: Sudanese UME is meagerly documented and its history can be described in four phases. The establishment phase (1924-1974) one school was founded and it was influenced by the Flexner’s era and Sudanese independence. The Provincial expansion phase (1975-1990) was influenced by Sudan’s commitment to Al-Ma Ata recommendations and current educational innovations. Revolution in Higher Education (1991–2004,) led to mushrooming of public and private UME, was influenced by global trend in privatization and local sociopolitical turbulence. Quality assurance and accreditation phase (2005-2019) was influenced by contradicting local factors and strong international directions.

`Conclusion: Sudan’s history and experience with UME is almost one century old during this time it experienced triumphs and setbacks. Numerous lessons were learned and can contribute to facing the challenges of UME here and beyond. After December Mighty Revolution which changed the old political regime, the country entered a transitional stage devoted to rebuilding and repair in all sectors including education. Studies such as this one will provide the needed data for reforming UME.




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