Publish With Us

We are a Diamond Open Access publisher, working with academic institutions and research communities across the Global South to promote the growth of accessible research for everyone, everywhere.

We offer a fast, flexible, friendly publishing service and prioritise the needs of our authors and editorial boards.

Ensuring the highest quality service, we maintain a transparent and responsive workflow and make it easy to identify what is happening with your research at any given point.

Following the publication of your manuscript, we provide a range of promotional tools (such as Kudos) free of charge and also conduct a global promotional campaign for every new publication – helping to increase the potential readership and citation opportunities for your research.

  • Our authors retain full copyright to all their manuscripts
  • All accepted manuscripts receive expert copyediting
  • All submitted manuscripts undergo rigorous peer review by subject experts, as well as iThenticate plagiarism checks
  • All published manuscripts are published open access, in PDF and HTML, to maximise visibility and accessibility
  • All published manuscripts receive a unique DOI, and are deposited in Crossref
  • All published manuscripts are included in a minimum of 15 globally recognised indexes and abstracting databases
  • Every published manuscript is hosted on multiple platforms and given global visibility
  • Every published manuscript receives article-level usage and performance metrics to help authors track citations and impact
  • All authors receive a complimentary Kudos account to help them promote their work and showcase it to a global audience
  • Publish your research in one of our Open Access journals, and join us in working together towards a more knowledgeable world!
  • Browse our portfolio of publications
  • Review the acceptance criteria of those in your subject field
  • Ensure your article meets the scope of the journal and is relevant to the target audience.
  • Make sure the article is properly formatted for the chosen Journal and matches its criteria for structure and word count
  • Submit your article or a proposal for a guest-edited special issue using the submission portal for your chosen journal