Memberships and Affiliations
We are proud to be part of a global network of publishers, solutions providers, and non-profit associations working to expand and enhance the scholarly communications ecosystem.

The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) is an international trade organisation that supports not-for-profit organisations that publish scholarly content. It is the largest community of scholarly and professional publishers in the world. Knowledge E is a member of ALPSP

ORCID, which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is a global, not-for-profit organization. ORCID strives to enable transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers, their contributions, and their affiliations by providing a unique, persistent identifier for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities. Knowledge E is a member of ORCID.

Crossref is a not-for-profit membership organization that strives to improve scholarly communications by helping individuals discover, link, cite, and assess academic content. It aims to improve the discoverability of research by providing a unique, persistent identifier for journal articles, known as a digital object identifier (DOI) so that they can be easily accessed. Knowledge E is a member of Crossref.

OASPA, which stands for the Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association is a not-for-profit trade organisation made up of a community of organisations involved in open access research and publication. It strives to encourage and promote open access as the primary mode of publication in the academic community. Knowledge E is a member of OASPA.

The Forum for Open Research in MENA is a non-profit membership organisation supporting the advancement of Open Science policies and practices in research communities and institutions across the Arab region. Knowledge E is a Strategic Partner and Member of FORM.

DORA, which stands for the Declaration on Research Assessment, is an international organisation that strives to promote equity, and transparency by developing best practices for assessing research output in all academic disciplines. Knowledge E is a signatory of DORA.

Developed by the United Nations, the SDG Publishers Compact includes ten action points that can be undertaken by publishing organisations. Those who sign the compact commit to supporting and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 through developing books and journals to help inform and inspire sustainable practices. Knowledge E was the fifth publisher in the region and the first in the UAE to sign the compact.

The Initiative for Open Citations is a community of publishers, librarians and researchers who support unrestricted access to citations of scholarly content that are structured and separable to be placed into trusted repositories. Knowledge E is a signatory of I4OC.

I4OA, which stands for the Initiative for Open Abstracts is a community of publishers, librarians and researchers who strive for accessibility of scholarly research by supporting and promoting unrestricted access to abstracts of scholarly content to be placed into trusted repositories. It strongly advocates for all publishers to make abstracts open access. Knowledge E is a signatory of I4OA.

The Coalitions for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications is an organisation that aims to cultivate diversity, equity and accessibility in the scholarly community by promoting and educating the community about the importance of inclusion and diversity in scholarly communications. Knowledge E has adopted the principles set out by the Coalition.

Portico is a community-supported archive that strives to ensure the accessibility, usability and survival of research by working with publishers and libraries to preserve and protect access to e-journals and e-books for future generations of researchers, students and scholars. All Knowledge E journals are preserved in Portico.

The Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information commits to taking a lead in transforming the way research information is used and produced. It believes that openness of information about the conduct and communication of research must be the new norm. Knowledge E is a signatory of the Barcelona Declaration