KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Performance Evaluation Model for School Supervisors to Improve the Quality of Senior High Schools in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
Published date: Dec 29 2021
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: The 2nd International Conference on Meaningful Education (2nd ICMEd)
Pages: 124–142
This research aimed to: (1) develop a performance evaluation model for school supervisors; (2) examine the feasibility of the model; and (3) determine its effectiveness in improving the quality of senior high schools in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This study used the research and development method. Data were collected through focus group discussions and questionnaires. Quantitative data were analyzed with the help of statistics and qualitative data through interactive models. A performance evaluation model for school supervisors to use to improve the quality of senior high schools in the Special Region of Yogyakarta was developed by implementing procedural development research. The guidelines for implementing the model were found to be feasible, with an average score of 4.30 or ‘excellent’, and the evaluation guide had an average score of 4.60 or ‘excellent’ as well. The readability of the instrument was scored by six school supervisors: it received an average score of 3.90, which was in the ‘good’ category. The evaluation guide was given a score of 4.00 (in the ‘good’ category), while the level of performance assessed by the six school supervisors was 1.94 or ‘very good’. The level of performance assessed by 10 high school teachers was 1.92 or ‘very good’. The findings also showed that the school supervisor level of performance, which was assessed by 20 school supervisors, had an average score of 1.88 (which was classified as ‘excellent’), and the performance assessed by 20 high school teachers was scored as 1.94, or ‘excellent’. The average performance of school supervisors was 95.50, which was categorized as ‘excellent’.
Keywords: model, evaluation, performance, school supervisors, school quality
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