KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
The Opinions of Junior High School Students About the Implementation of the Child-Friendly School Program
Published date: Dec 29 2021
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: The 2nd International Conference on Meaningful Education (2nd ICMEd)
Pages: 1–20
This study aimed to examine the opinions of students about the implementation of the Child-Friendly School program in Public Junior High School 15 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia during the first generation of implementing the program. Understanding the perspectives of the students is important for ensuring that the program is successfully implemented. The study applied a qualitative approach. Data were collected through a questionnaire consisting of six questions in narrative form. Ten students participated. The questionnaire was conducted through Google Forms due to the social distancing policies in place because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were analysed through thematic analysis. The main findings showed that students perceived that: (1) the program emphasised fulfilling child-rights; (2) the principal was the main actor explaining the program; (3) the principal suggested implementing the program in regards to children development stages; (4) teachers implemented the program through active child-centred, creative, effective and joyful approaches; (5) administration staff implemented the program by providing supporting services with etiquette education for students; and (6) in general, the program was well implemented, since students felt comfortable to express their thoughts and felt safe at school.
Keywords: Child-Friendly School, school management, program, student voice
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