KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
The Challenges Faced by Community Advisors in Diverting Children who are in Conflict With the Law
Published date: Jul 08 2021
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: Academic International Conference on Literacy and Novelty
Pages: 203–211
The challenges that community advisors face in trying to divert children at the Penitentiary Center of Pati Regency who are in conflict with the law are: first, the lack of understanding of the perpetrator party and/or the victim party. Second, the victim party assumes that the Penitentiary Center will take the side of the perpetrator. Third, the demands for compensation are considered burdensome according to the perpetrator party. Fourth, the coordination among the law enforcerment officers in handling diversion is not optimal. These challenges must be overcome so that justice, legal certainty and benefits can be realized for all parties. Legal protection is not only given to children who are in conflict with the law, but also to the victims. Efforts to protect victims are carried out by restoring losses that have been experienced by the victims. Therefore, in diversion, the victim is directly involved in the process of solving the case.
Keywords: community advisors, children, diversion
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