KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Information on the Distribution of Cadmium in Agricultural Land in the Middle of the Serayu Watershed

Published date: Jul 08 2021

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: Academic International Conference on Literacy and Novelty

Pages: 114–124

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v5i7.9326


Poniman Ponimanponiman63ir@gmail.comMinistry of Agriculture, Indonesia

Anik HidayahMinistry of Agriculture, Indonesia

Sukarjo SukarjoMinistry of Agriculture, Indonesia


Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal that is prohibited in food products. In the long term, consumption of food containing Cd can cause cancer (it is a direct carcinogen in humans). Poor management of the Serayu watershed has resulted in pollution of the surrounding land. Meanwhile, trust in management must be built within the framework of trade in the Industrial Era 4.0, which is developing continuously in world trade relations. This study aimed to obtain information on the distribution of Cd in agricultural soils in the middle of the Serayu watershed in March-August 2017. A total of 220 soil samples were taken using the GRID method, and the analysis of Cd concentration was determined by atomic absorption spectrofotometry (AAS). The results showed that Cd was detected in 142 soil samples in the range of 1.0-<1.5 mg kg−1 and detected in the range of 0.5-<1.0 mg kg−1 in 78 soil samples. The results were non-normally distributed with a clustered distribution pattern. The average value of the distribution of Cd in agricultural land in the middle of Serayu watershed was 1.21 mg kg−1, and the highest Cd concentration was 2.18 mg kg−1. The Cd concentration in the middle of the Serayu watershed is classified within the safe category because the concentration is still below the critical Cd threshold value of 3-8 mg kg−1.

Keywords: agricultural land, cadmium, distribution, the middle of Serayu watershed


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