KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Optimization of Work Gallery Design with FIFO Approach -- FEFO
Published date: Jan 06 2025
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: The Bandung Creative Movement 2023 – Enhancing Collaboration In Arts, Design And Craft For Sustainable Creative Industries: Creative Economy
Pages: 163 - 169
Art and design students in the learning process on campus produce works of art and products. These artworks including many kinds of creative expression, in example: painting, sculpture, art installation, graphic design, photography, and others more. The resulting works will be exhibited and archived in the work gallery. However, existing galleries have not been efficient in organizing the presentation and placement of works, resulting in damage, neglect, and disruption of works. This phenomenon occurred at the Faculty of Creative Industries Telkom University, Bandung. Data collection is carried out through visual observation, documentation, interviews, and literature studies. Data were analyzed using FIFO – FEFO approach. In this study, it can be shown that the application of FIFO-FEFO provides practical guidance for designing better gallery layouts, preventing damage to artworks, reducing abandonment of works, and ensuring a balanced rotation of works. Thus, the FIFO-FEFO approach has an important role to play in improving the effectiveness of gallery and exhibition design and providing a better experience for gallery visitors.
Keywords: art gallery, artwork management, FIFO-FEFO
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