KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Analysis of Implementation of Marker-Based Augmented Reality (AR) Business Cards as a Media Company Profile - Study Case of Marker-based Augmented Reality (AR) in Business Cards as a Media for Company Profile
Published date: Jan 06 2025
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: The Bandung Creative Movement 2023 – Enhancing Collaboration In Arts, Design And Craft For Sustainable Creative Industries: Creative Economy
Pages: 121 - 132
The rapid development of Augmented Reality technology has inspired a new way of introducing oneself to the audience using while using the traditional business cards. In today’s business tradition, even an old precept of ‘first impression matters’ still intact. Business cards still being used in formal meetings between two interested business parties. This new way of employing AR technology in the reformed business cards thus creates more engagement between the two parties involved in the short time and space of self-branding and business promotion. Augmented Reality manifests elements of the virtual world, namely avatar, in the physical realm and has been applied and used for various schemes in game-making, medical facility, education and learning, and promotional aspect of marketing to name a few instances.This research aims to carve a space for applied technology of AR for creative corporate promotional media, where we designed an immersive way of presenting the company profile by displaying a persona/avatar and video profile that stores the information of the company’s line of business and the forwarding representative so partners could recognize the company’s profile and be impressed in the event of introduction exchange. While implementing the principle of service design, specifically the design thinking for User Interface and User Experience to enhance the experience of exchanging the ‘first impression’ by business cards, this research hopes to weave a collaboration between UX designers and business parties in sustaining the creative industries.
Keywords: augmented reality, company profile, user interface, user experience
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