KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Promotion Strategy for the Village Digidarpa Digital Information System for District-level Governments in Central Java Province
Published date: Jan 06 2025
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: The Bandung Creative Movement 2023 – Enhancing Collaboration In Arts, Design And Craft For Sustainable Creative Industries: Creative Economy
Pages: 114 - 120
Digidarpa Desa is an integrated digital information system product that can help villages improve the status of the Developing Village Index (IDM). Villages with advanced IDM status are considered more ready to adopt the Digidarpa Desa information system, both in terms of their needs and their technological readiness. Central Java Province has an average Advanced IDM status; therefore, the target audience for this promotion strategy is district governments in Central Java Province. This research was carried out using qualitative methods. The purpose of this research is to find the right promotion strategy for the digital information system product Digidarpa Desa for district-level governments in Central Java Province.
Keywords: application, business to business (B2B), developing village index (IDM), integration, village information system (SID)
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