KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Stylization of Batara Kala's Face as a Geometric Ornament Form
Published date: Jan 06 2025
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: The Bandung Creative Movement 2023 – Enhancing Collaboration In Arts, Design And Craft For Sustainable Creative Industries: Creative Economy
Pages: 99 - 105
The problem researchers to discuss in the object of this research is how the meaning and elements of visual form in the stylization of Batara Kala’s facial decoration objects in temple ornaments are viewed from the visual aesthetics. Findings assume that there are visual elements of personification of living creatures that are stylized into the form of facial objects. This research aims to determine the meaning of form in visual stylistic elements as the face of the Batara Kala figure on temple ornamental objects as of Buto Kala. The focus of the object material is using perspective analysis of the visual aesthetics form with a comparative interpretive paradigm. Using comparative object studies of the two faces of Batara Kala, research methods using qualitative, descriptive data with a visual aesthetic theory approach and semiotic analysis. Symbols, and signs to the meaning behind the face shape of the Batara Kala character in classical temple ornaments in Central Java and East Java are a form of stylization as a personification of the facial shape of other creatures with dominant elements of geometric shapes and decorative motif on Batara Kala’s face on the temple decoration. Research on the figure of the face Batara Kala on temple gate ornaments, has artistic ranging from elements of lines, planes, geometric shapes, and textures in the form of visual aesthetic style stylization. The urgency of this research is to determine the form of elements of geometric stylization as a form of creativity in forming ornaments on antagonistic facial Batara kala using stylization style.
Keywords: Batara Kala face, deformation stylization, comparative
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