KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Analysis of the Carrying Capacity of Tourism Attraction in Realizing Sustainable Banyuwangi Tourism
Published date: Aug 29 2024
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: Annual Symposium on Applied Business Economics and Communication (ASABEC) 2023
Pages: 641–649
Mass tourism is profitable for businesses and managers of tourist attractions. However, there are negative impacts, including environmental damage and the emergence of visitor dissatisfaction. As a destination, Banyuwangi has a fairly high level of tourist visits. Cacalan Beach is one of the tourist attractions in Banyuwangi which has a high number of visits. Cacalan Beach has various activities. Based on these problems, it is necessary to analyze the carrying capacity of the Cacalan Beach environment. This study uses the environmental carrying capacity method in the form of physical, real, managerial, and effective carrying capacity to produce the maximum value of the capacity or carrying capacity of Cacalan Beach. The results showed that the physical carrying capacity of recreational activities was 1.731 people, 220 people for canoe, and 80 people for camping. Considering environmental factors, a real carrying capacity of 213 people was obtained for recreational activities. Moreover, by looking at the number of existing managers, a managerial carrying capacity value of 85% was obtained which resulted in an effective carrying capacity of 181 people. This value is smaller than the average number of visitors to Cacalan Beach.
Keywords: effective carrying capacity, physical carrying capacity, Cacalan Beach
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