KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Strategy and Implementation of Project-based Learning: Improving Learning Quality in Polytechnic
Published date: Aug 29 2024
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: Annual Symposium on Applied Business Economics and Communication (ASABEC) 2023
Pages: 71–83
The current implementation of polytechnic education must be adaptive to industry needs so that graduates must be equipped with digital literacy skills and project-based learning (PBL). The problem faced by polytechnics is that not all courses taught refer to PBL, so it is necessary to map the systems that must use PBL. This research was conducted to identify and analyze how the strategy and implementation of PBL are carried out in the registration course in the PNJ MICE study program in the digital era. Has the PBL, that has been carried out in the PNJ MICE study program, had any impact on improving the quality of learning? The research method used was descriptive qualitative data collection techniques using direct observation and distribution of questionnaires (using a Likert scale) to second-semester students of the PNJ MICE study program in 2023 and interviews. The results showed that learning registration courses using PBL provided practical experience (strongly agreed 81%), fostered learning motivation (strongly agreed 79%), created ideas and creativity (agreed 63%), created teamwork patterns (approved 60%), time management (strongly agree 69%), have the competence (agree 58%), project mastery (strongly agree 59%). As for the convenience of students in learning registration topics, namely: types of registration in MICE events, registration staff, designing forms, event layouts, logistical checklists, determining venues, event planner competencies, payment methods, and registration project work that is easy to understand and applied. PBL registration has impacted improving the quality of learning in the MICE study program, and responding to the needs of competent students in the digital era.
Keywords: registration, MICE, project-based learning
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