KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
What Led to the Necessity of Adding Letters with Letters and Sentences in the Books of the Meanings of the Qur'an Until the End of the Fourth Century AH - (Grammar study)
Published date: Mar 13 2023
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: Third International Conference on Human Sciences
Pages: 1108–1127
This study revolves around what led to the necessity of adding letters with letters and sentences in the books of meanings of the Qur'an until the end of the fourth century AH, which are: (The Book of Meanings of the Qur'an for AlFaraa, Meanings of the Qur'an for Al-Akhfash, Meanings and syntax of the Qur'an for Alzujaj, and the two books (The Meanings and syntax of the Qur'an for Alnahaas). The researcher extrapolated the poetic evidence that bears the necessities in grammatical issues and extracted them. Although most scholars said that the Qur'an should not be carried out on necessity, we find that in their interpretations of the verses of the wise Quran they carried one of the aspects that are not permissible except in necessity. If the term necessity allows the poet to break the rules, is it possible to apply the term ``necessity'' to the interpretations of scholars in some aspects of readings? Did the owners of the meanings books mention the necessity of some readings? Did they choose the necessity, or did they reject it and allow others? The research aims to stand on the issues that led to the necessity of increasing the letters, clarifying the stand of scholars toward them, and solving the problem of necessity in the Qur'an by mentioning the opinions of scholars and standing by them. After the introduction, the research contained two sections, the first topic was the definition of poetic necessity, the position of Grammar scientist on necessity in the Qur'an and readings, and the approach of the owners of meaning books in resorting to necessity in letters. And the second topic was where I dealt with three issues related to the necessity of adding letters with letters and sentences, which are: (1 the introduction of a preposition on its like, (2 the increase of the conjunction (and), and (3 an increase (um), so the owners of the books of meanings in their directives to the verses of the wise Quran mentioned aspects of interpretation based on poetic necessity, even if they did not explicitly sometimes, then their opinion on necessity in the Qur'an, after an introduction in which I dealt with the grammatical issue that was addressed by the owners of the books of meanings, and I mention the opinions of scholars and whether they are necessary for them? Before concluding, I articulate the commenters' opinions, if they claimed necessity in the Holy Quran and their response for those who claimed it, and then the researcher recommends one of the opinions and a conclusion with the most prominent results of the research that I reached.
Keywords: Arabic language, meaning books, poetic necessity, grammatical guidance, increase letters.