KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

The Qur'anic Purposes of Sheikh Abdul Rahman Hassan Habanka Al-Maidani in his Interpretation of Ma'arig al-Tafakkur wa-Daqa'iq al-Tadabbur ``Surat Al-Asr, Al-Adiyat, Al-Kawthar and Al-Takathur as a model"

Published date: Mar 13 2023

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: Third International Conference on Human Sciences

Pages: 582–601

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v8i6.13132


Wissam S. Abdul-RazzaqUniversity of Anbar/College of Education for the Humanities.

Mahmood H. of Anbar/College of Education for the Humanities.


This research aims to elicit Quranic purposes from the field interpretation of Sheikh Abdul Rahman Hasaan Habanka Al-Maidani by studying Surat Al-Asr, Al-Adiyat, Al-Kawthar, and Al-Takathur as a model. The knowledge of the purposes of the surahs leads to the realization of some of the notable purposes of the revelation of the Quran, the consideration of its phrases, words, and purposes, the statement of what Allah the almighty wants in it, and what its surahs and verses are guided to in a way that achieves understanding and action. Also, a statement that the number of the purposes of the surah does not depend on the number of its verses, there are several verses in common. In one objective, there is one verse in which there is more than one objective, so the Qur'anic objectives are inseparable from interpretation, since the Quran is the main source for defining the overall objectives, and from it deduced many ruling and partial ills, and it enables the interpreter to derive the rulings and wisdom of the Qur'an. The Noble Qur'an, considering the purposes of the surahs, is considered the safest approach, which makes the words of Allah the almighty orderly in a manner in which the perfection of its system, the coherence of its surahs, the consistency of its verses, and the statement of its inimitability and eloquence become evident.

Keywords: Qur'anic purposes, interpretation, interpreters



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