KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Marriage Provisions Polygamy in the Three Divine Books

Published date: Mar 13 2023

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: Third International Conference on Human Sciences

Pages: 170–187

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v8i6.13109


Wathiq Abdul Razzaq Abdul of Islamic Sciences/University of Fallujah


There are provisions for marriage for each of the three religions, which we found through the revealed heavenly books. Marriage is considered an obligation in Judaism, except for some Jewish sects that forbid marriage. In Judaism, it is not permissible for a Jew to marry a non-Jew and vice versa. There is no dowry for women in Judaism, while the Lebanese Personal Status Law clearly states a dowry for Jewish women. The marriage contract in Judaism takes place in three steps, the request for the hand of the girl, the marriage contract, and the realization of the marriage. The Torah, through several texts, permitted polygamy and allowed a man to marry more than one. The origin of Christianity is the non-marriage and the call to monasticism. Although there are texts in the Bible that stipulate not to marry, there are churches that encourage marriage for procreation. The rulings on marriage differ from one church to another. In Orthodox Churches, marriage decisions are based on two steps, the engagement and the service of the wreath. The position of the Catholic Church on marriage is emerging from the decisions of the Second Vatican Council in .1965 Despite the presence of several churches that have opposed the second marriage, the Bible contains several texts that allow polygamy. Moreover, other churches consider second marriage to be a sacred divine law. The Islamic religion permitted marriage for every able-bodied man and made it revolve around three rulings: obligatory, desirable, and celibacy. Marriage in Islam is preceded by engagement and dowry, with three conditions for the completion of the marriage: consent, guardianship, and competence. Our true religion has permitted polygamy, and this is what we find clear through the texts of the Noble Qur'an. While allowing polygamy, Islamic law imposed certain conditions and justifications for that polygamy. Looking at the provisions of marriage in the three heavenly books, we found that the Torah allowed polygamy without specifying any number, and the Bible prohibited polygamy and then permitted it with only one, while the Holy Qur'an refined all of this and made it four as a maximum.

Keywords: marriage, the provisions of polygamy: Judaism, Christianity, Islam.



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