KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

The responses of lecturers on online learning in pandemic covid-19

Published date: Mar 03 2023

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: 2nd Paris Van Java International Seminar on Health, Economics, Social Science and Humanities (PVJ-ISHESSH 2021)

Pages: 353–360

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v8i4.12917


Nurhanna Harahapnurhanna050@gmail.comEnglish Education Study Program, Universitas Al-Washliyah Labuhanbatu, Indonesia

Muhammad RusliEnglish Education Study Program, Universitas Al-Washliyah Labuhanbatu, Indonesia

Jupriaman .English Education Study Program, Universitas Al-Washliyah Labuhanbatu, Indonesia


Government of Indonesia ordered every educational institution to do online learning to break the chain of Corona virus disease. Because of that, Teacher Training and Education Faculty (FKIP) of UNIVA Labuhanbatu did teaching learning process by online learning system. This condition made the lecturers gave different responses. So, this research aims to reveal the responses of lecturers on doing online learning in covid-19 pandemic. The data were collected through questionnaires. The data revealed that there were different responses of lecturers of FKIP of UNIVA Labuhanbatu.The mean obtained was 63.73%. Based on the mean, it can be conclude that the responses of the lecturers of FKIP UNIVA Labuhanbatu were categorized with agree with doing online learning in pandemic Covid-19.

Keywords: Online learning; covid-19; lecturers


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