KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Effect of Financial Literacy and Behaviour on Investment Decisions (Study on Southeast Sulawesi investors)

Published date: Feb 17 2023

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: 2nd International Conference on Science and Its Applications “Sustainable Innovation in Natural Science, Economic and Business Science, and Social Science” (ICOSIAS)

Pages: 230–238

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v8i2.12766


Sujono .drsujono111@gmail.comManagement Department Faculty of Economics and Business, Halu Oleo University Kampus Hijau Bumi Tridahrma Anduonohu, Kendari, South East Sulawesi

Nitri MiroseaAccounting Department Faculty of Economics and Business, Halu Oleo University Kampus Hijau Bumi Tridahrma Anduonohu, Kendari, South East Sulawesi

Ibnu HajarManagement Department Faculty of Economics and Business, Halu Oleo University Kampus Hijau Bumi Tridahrma Anduonohu, Kendari, South East Sulawesi


This study aimed to examine the effect of financial literacy and financial behaviour on investment decisions. This study was conducted on 365 investors listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Representative of Southeast Sulawesi. This research concluded that financial literacy and financial behaviour have a significant effect on investment decisions. Investment knowledge is the indicator that reflects the highest financial literacy variable. Meanwhile, the financial behaviour indicator that reflects the most financial behaviour is ‘familiarity.

Keywords: financial literacy, financial behaviour and investment decisions


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