KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
The Validity and Practicality of the Integrated Learning Model: Physics, Digital, and Local Wisdom
Published date: Dec 21 2022
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: 5th International Conference on Education and Social Science Research (ICESRE)
Pages: 712–718
Local wisdom is created through the process of integrating humans with nature or the environment for a long time, from generation to generation to form a value system (customs, beliefs, and culture). Local wisdom can be integrated into physics learning because it studies natural phenomena and all their interactions. Local wisdom will be investigated and digitally represented so as to support understanding concepts for solving physics problems, scientific literacy, and digital literacy. The purpose of this research is to design digital learning that is integrated with local wisdom to improve students’ physics problem-solving skills, scientific literacy, and digital literacy. This study uses a development research design with phases consisting of the preliminary phase, prototype phase, and assessment phase. However, in this paper, the validity and practicality of the developed learning are represented. The results showed that the content validity of the digital learning model which was integrated with local wisdom in very valid criteria, the validity of the construct in the criteria is very valid, and the model developed is in the practical category, in terms of the implementation of learning with good and very good categories, as well as student activities that are relevant in learning have increased. This model is expected to be an alternative model for learning physics according to future needs.
Keywords: Integrated learning, physics, digital learning, local wisdom, validity, practicality
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