KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Integrating Community Partnership Program in Cengkeh Afo: A Community-based Tourist Attraction

Published date: Jun 22 2022

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: The 1st International Office Conference

Pages: 32-42

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v7i11.11324


Roswita M. Aboe -


Cengkeh Afo, a spice-based tourist attraction in North Maluku, is situated in the forest area behind Mount Gamalama. It has the potential to attract both domestic and international tourists through community-based tourism (CBT). The area is managed by the Cengkeh Afo Gamalama Spices (CAGS) community that uses the world’s oldest clove spot as an icon for the Spice Island. The community partnership program (PKM) has been integrated in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has had a wide impact on business and tourism. The PKM was integrated to build collaboration among the community for building the CAGS management capacity. Mastering basic English, managing data on tourist visits, utilizing local wisdom related to traditional gastronomy (local cuisine), mastering technology in managing tourism promotion, and understanding the application of the CHSE health protocol in tourism services in the region are among PKM’s goals for partnerships with the CAGS community. The qualitative approach was used in this research. Data were gathered through observation, questionnaires, and interviews in a field survey. The results showed that by working together the CAGS community has met the criteria for communitybased tourism service. Collaboration with research counterparts has aided the CAGS community’s capacity-building in its service.

Keywords: Cengkeh Afo, community-based tourism, capacity-building


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