KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Ecotourism of Kajigelem Craft Villages: Preserving Nature - Thriving Creative Economy

Published date: May 20 2022

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: The 3rd International Conference on Governance, Public Administration, and Social Science (ICoGPASS)

Pages: 1316–1330

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v7i9.11018


Sri Astutiningsihastuti.handoko19@gmail.comGraduate Student of NIPA – School of Administration Jakarta & Policy Analyst, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Faculty of Cultural Science, University of Jember

Renta Vulkanita HasanGraduate Student of NIPA – School of Administration Jakarta & Policy Analyst, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Faculty of Cultural Science, University of Jember


Covid-19, whose first case was discovered in early March 2020 in Indonesia, has had a tremendous impact on various sectors of life, including the creative economy. Therefore, any proposed solution should be implemented logically and consistently by all stakeholders. As one of the stakeholders, the researchers propose to investigate the possibilities that can be applied to overcome problems in the creative economy sector. The Kajigelem craft villages (Kasongan, Jipangan, Gendeng and Lemahdadi) are the objects of this research with the consideration that these villages have the potentials and capacity to be studied and developed as role models because of (1) their positions as the location of the tourist villages which are geographically located in Bantul district DIY that shows that the concept of ecotourism offers craft tourism in rural areas and the tourism is managed residents themselves; and (2) the idea of a creative economy will make sense if it has benchmarks that are developed starting from the smallest area of community livelihood, namely villages. The tourist villages will be the foundation for the creative economy to ignite through efforts to strengthen sustainable ecological-based tourism resources. The results of this study will be an initial review for designing a craft village empowerment strategy with the ecotourism concept as a new trend for the creative economy in Indonesia.

Keywords: ecotourism, village, creative economy


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