KnE Social Sciences

ISSN: 2518-668X

The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.

Collaborative Government in Implementing the SALUR Application Program in Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Published date: May 20 2022

Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences

Issue title: The 3rd International Conference on Governance, Public Administration, and Social Science (ICoGPASS)

Pages: 176–189

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v7i9.10936


Ariyanti Student, Doctoral Program in Public Administration, Universitas Tebuka Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Susanti SusantiDepartment in Administration Sciences, Faculty of Law, Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Tebuka Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia


Abstract— The Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on all groups, especially the lower income groups who have lost their jobs and experienced a reduction or even loss of income. To help this group survive the pandemic, the Government launched various social assistance programs through the APBN, APBD and the participation of companies and the public as donors. The Bogor City Government innovated through vertical and horizontal collaborative government in developing the SALUR application, which is an application that can be easily accessed by the public to check their status as recipients of social assistance. This collaboration incorporates data sharing with various agencies in the city of Bogor so that the concept of one data is realized as the basis for providing social assistance and monitoring duplication of aid recipients. This paper used qualitative methods to analyze the SALUR program’s effectiveness and impact in social safety net program distribution for targeted and nontargeted groups of poor people in Bogor. The effectiveness of the SALUR collaboration in Bogor City was substantially influenced by the strong collaborative leadership of the Mayor of Bogor, thus fostering respect and trust from all collaborators.

Keywords: collaborative, leadership, one data


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