KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Differentiation of Population Incomes in Russian Arctic Regions
Published date: Feb 11 2022
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: Integration Processes in the Russian and International Research Domain: Experience and Prospects
Pages: 98–107
This research analyzed the factors influencing the differentiation of income in regions of the Russian Arctic zone. The demographic indicators of the trends in human capital were analyzed, namely the distribution of workers in the economy by educational level, the number of university students, and the population younger than working age. Based on the data obtained, groups of regions were identified according to per capita income growth and its dependence on level of education. The aim was to study the dynamics of household income growth in the Arctic regions, examine the conditions for the formation of a group with a higher education level, and determine the specifics of the factors influencing these indicators. The results showed that there can be no single solution for regional problems of economic development across the Arctic. In the process of planning and programming the development of this macroregion, one should take into account the specific characteristics of autonomous districts and groups of regions with their unique, historically formed, development tasks.
Keywords: income, differentiation, region, education, population
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