KnE Social Sciences
ISSN: 2518-668X
The latest conference proceedings on humanities, arts and social sciences.
Vector Psychology in Socialization Management of the Digital Generation
Published date: Feb 04 2022
Journal Title: KnE Social Sciences
Issue title: XXIV International Conference "Culture, Personality, Society in the Conditions of Digitalization: Methodology and Experience of Empirical Research"
Pages: 186-193
The purpose of the article was to formulate the possibilities of integrating sociological and psychological science in terms of new approaches to socialization using the example of the digital generation in the context of large-scale digitalization of all spheres of human activity. This generation is significantly different from the previous ones, and has a number of advantages and problem areas, which require a revision of sociological and interdisciplinary approaches to socialization. The authors show the necessity of building scientific knowledge based on the principles of Bohr’s mutual complementarity. They consider the possibilities of socio-psychological approaches to the complex of network technologies of secondary socialization in the system of social management, supplementing it with the theoretical basis of vector psychology and methods of digital sociology. The authors consider a person as a whole, relying on the postulate of the simultaneous coexistence of two mutually exclusive principles in the personality (as in quantum physics) — social and biological. The authors’ approach is based on a combination of natural biological foundations, the vital needs of individuals with the value foundations, and the coordination of social connections of the network environment and patterns of behavior. This implies a differentiated approach to the adaptation of social communities of each of the eight sociopsychotypes through positive feedbacks included in the additionally developed tools in socialization institutions. These include educational and upbringing tools, network tools for choosing a profession and building a career with the participation of employment services and professional communities, and family building networking tools.
Keywords: digital generation, secondary socialization, vector psychology, digital sociology
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