KnE Medicine

ISSN: 2519-125X

The latest conference proceedings on all fields of medicine.

The Role of Organizational Culture in the Implementation of Personal Hygiene

Published date: Jun 23 2023

Journal Title: KnE Medicine

Issue title: The 3rd Health Science International Conference (HSIC)

Pages: 371–378

DOI: 10.18502/kme.v3i3.13524


Rohni Taufika Sari - -

Zaqyyah Huzaifah


Organisational culture is a system that continues to process in an organizational environment. The culture inherent in the organizational environment requires a long stage to become a thing that binds all elements in the organization. In nursing, organizational culture plays a vital role as a device that regulates the behaviors of nurses in carrying out their responsibilities. One of the most fundamental responsibilities is fulfilling the personal hygiene needs of inpatient clients. The c pandemic to post-pandemic conditions emphasized the need for personal hygiene as one of the essential items for the entire community and inpatient clients in hospitals. Implementing a right on target, effective and efficient personal hygiene is indispensable for a hospital to maintain service quality and increase client satisfaction. The extent to which organisational culture contributes to improving the quality of nursing services in carrying out actions to fulfil personal hygiene needs for clients needs to be investigated further. The results of this study can be a positive input for elements of hospital management to determine the direction of policies related to the implementation of nursing actions to meet the personal hygiene needs of clients. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Determination of participants using purposive sampling, the number of participants is seven people, and data collection using in-depth interviews. Three themes were identified in this research, namely (1) Support System; (2) Teamwork; (3) Motivation. The effectiveness of the implementation of PH for clients must be distinct from the individual elements of the nurses themselves and the most excellent support from hospital management, both in appealing to and providing the facilities needed to improve service quality.

Keywords: Organizational Culture, Personal hygiene, Quality of service


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