KnE Medicine

ISSN: 2519-125X

The latest conference proceedings on all fields of medicine.

Volunteers' Experience as a First Responder to Traffic Accidents

Published date: Jun 23 2023

Journal Title: KnE Medicine

Issue title: The 3rd Health Science International Conference (HSIC)

Pages: 194–200

DOI: 10.18502/kme.v3i3.13503


Indri Wahyuningsih - -

Vita Amilia Rifa'i

Indah Dwi Pratiwi

Risa Herlianita


One of the primary services at the physiotherapy clinic of UMM Hospital is post-stroke rehabilitation. The hospital is fully equipped with the infrastructure that supports these services, including the availability of static cycles, IR, and diathermy. Post-stroke rehabilitation services have been conducted since June 2013, however, since the establishment of the clinic, levels of patient satisfaction have not been evaluated. Assessment of client satisfaction is important because, in the future, the clinic will be a place of reference for physiotherapy students about post-stroke rehabilitation and providing excellent service to clients. This study used the SERVQUAL (Service Quality) method which involves the assessment of the aspects of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy, to assess the level of patient satisfaction with different services. The study was conducted on all patients who come to the clinic between March and May 2015. The sample size was 20 patients. We identified the patient’s expectations and perception of clinic physiotherapy at the clinic and compared it to the results of the SERVQUAL performance assessment. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the majority of respondents were unsatisfied with the services at the physiotherapy clinic, due to the limitations of the physiotherapists’ abilities, long waiting times for services, and lack of on-call physiotherapists. In addition, there are patient complaints about the lack of equipment at the clinic. However, patients were very satisfied with the safety and comfort of the therapy services, this is influenced by the abilities of qualified physiotherapists who are able to resolve complaints We suggest that the clinic needs to increase the number of physiotherapists in this clinic, and it is necessary to make updates to the existing physiotherapy equipment.

Keywords: Service quality, physiotherapy, stroke


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