KnE Medicine

ISSN: 2519-125X

The latest conference proceedings on all fields of medicine.

Peer Support and Anti-retroviral (ARV) Medication Adherence Among People Living with HIV/AIDS: A Cross-Sectional Study

Published date: Jun 23 2023

Journal Title: KnE Medicine

Issue title: The 3rd Health Science International Conference (HSIC)

Pages: 162–176

DOI: 10.18502/kme.v3i3.13500


Edi Purwanto -

Isna Ratri Ramadhani


One of the supports that People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) can provide each other is the encouragement to take medicine. Medication adherence and not resisting therapy are very important for PLWHA to maintain their immune system, suppress viral replication, and improve quality of life. This study aimed to determine whether there was a relationship between peer support and anti-retroviral (ARV) medication adherence among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). . The study was conducted in August 2020. The research design used was a correlational study using a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique used was total sampling. The respondents in this study were PLWHA who are at Cahaya Kasih Peduli AIDS Foundation, WPA Turen n = 45. The variables studied were peer support as the independent variable and medication adherence as the dependent variable. The data collection technique used was a questionnaireThe data analysis method used was the Spearman Rank correlation test using SPSS 25 with a significance of p <0.05. From this study, it was found that 20 (44.4%) for good peer support, 25 (55.6%) for sufficient peer support 13 (28.9%) had high adherence to taking medication, 15 (33.3%) had moderate adherence, and 17 (37.8%) had low adherence. The results of statistical tests in this study showed no significant relationship between peer support and medication adherence to People Living with HIV/AIDS at Cahaya Kasih Peduli AIDS Foundation, WPA Turen, with a significance value of p-value = 0.313. It was found that there is no relation between peer support and medication adherence to PLWHA at the Cahaya Kasih Peduli AIDS Foundation, Turen. Respondents are always expected to pay attention to their medication schedule and be more active in socializing and providing mutual support to fellow PLWHA.

Keywords: Peer Support, Medication Adherence, People Living with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA)


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