KnE Medicine

ISSN: 2519-125X

The latest conference proceedings on all fields of medicine.

Testing Mothers' Knowledge in Preventing COVID-19 in Children Through Animated Video Media and Booklets

Published date: Mar 08 2023

Journal Title: KnE Medicine

Issue title: 2nd International Conference on Medical Health Science (2nd ICMEDH)

Pages: 480–487

DOI: 10.18502/kme.v3i2.13083


Ika Rizki Anggraini - -

Puja Putri Dewi Pati

Risa Herlianita

Nurlailatul Masruroh


Clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) is where a person practices clean living behaviors both for themselves and for their family. Families play an active role in modeling environmental health and can be a source of prevention of COVID-19 in children. This study aimed to determine the level of maternal knowledge in preventing COVID-19 in children by providing PHBS education through animated video media and booklets. Method: The design of this study uses the quasi-experimental method. The study sample was 40 respondents with 20 intervention groups and control groups. The research instrument was\ a questionnaire. Analysis of data used the Wilcoxon Test. Results obtained from the intervention group showed a pre-test level of knowledge at 5 or 25.0%, a sufficient level of knowledge of 12 or 60.0%, and no knowledge of 3 or 15.0%, and the post-test results of the knowledge level are either 20 or 100.0%. The control group had a pre-test level of knowledge of 1 or 5.0%, the level of knowledge was sufficient of 7 or 35.0%, and knowledge was less than 12 or 60.0%, as well as in the post-test results became a level of knowledge either by 20 or 100.0%. Wilcoxon test results of both groups with asymp.sig (2-tailed) results = 0.000.

Keywords: level of knowledge, mothers, clean and healthy living behaviors (PHBS)


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