KnE Medicine

ISSN: 2519-125X

The latest conference proceedings on all fields of medicine.

Comparative Analysis of the Components of a Child's Gait Pattern with Flat Foot Disorder

Published date: Mar 08 2023

Journal Title: KnE Medicine

Issue title: 2nd International Conference on Medical Health Science (2nd ICMEDH)

Pages: 231–242

DOI: 10.18502/kme.v3i2.13055


Atika Yulianti - -

Alfina Ramadani Dyah Efendi

Zidni Imanurrohmah Lubis


Flat foot is a condition that generally occurs in children. Flat-foot is a condition where the entire foot is on the ground. The condition of a flat foot often does not show symptoms because in pre-school children, this condition remains a physiological condition. However, this condition will become pathological if it continues with age. The gait pattern is a structured movement carried out by a person to move and have a step distance, speed, and footprints. This study aimed to determine the gait pattern of normal-foot children and flat-foot children between the ages of 4-6 years at PAUD Sahabat Ananda Dau. The method used is a case-control two-group test on 23 children who have met the inclusion and exclusion criteria at PAUD Sahabat Ananda Dau in March 2022. Measurements of the wet footprint test, Clarke‘s angle, and gait parameters were out after obtaining approval from the respondents. \ It was found that respondents with flat-foot were 57%. Based on the T2 Sample Independent Test, the results obtained on stride was p=0.263, step right was p=0.235, step left was p=0.69, cadence p=0.7, and speed p=0.311(p<0,05). It was discovered that there is no difference in gait pattern in normal foot and flat foot children aged 4-6 years at PAUD Sahabat Ananda Dau.

Keywords: normal arch, flat foot, Gait pattern, Gait parameter, preschool children


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