KnE Medicine

ISSN: 2519-125X

The latest conference proceedings on all fields of medicine.

The Relationship Between Family Involvement in Physiotherapy Home Programs and Activity Daily Living in Post-stroke Patients

Published date: Mar 08 2023

Journal Title: KnE Medicine

Issue title: 2nd International Conference on Medical Health Science (2nd ICMEDH)

Pages: 129–135

DOI: 10.18502/kme.v3i2.13045


Kurnia Putri Utami - -

Alif Rizky Rinanda Nur Fauziyah

Anita Faradilla Rahim


The inability to carry out daily activities is one of the challenges that stroke patients face due to weakness in their extremities. It leads to a decrease in mobility function, which prevents the fulfilment of activity. To improve their functional ability, patients undergo physiotherapy treatment. However, there is limited time for patients to exercise at the hospital. Yet, doing exercise is vital for post-stroke patients. Therefore, home programs are crucial for stroke patient rehabilitation. Family support is necessary to ensure that patients do their home program. It could increase enthusiasm and motivate patients to be consistent in their treatment, especially in their homes. An analytic observational study with a cross-sectional design was used to see the relationship between family involvement in physiotherapy home programs and activity daily living (ADL) in poststroke patients. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with inclusion and exclusion criteria. Questionnaires were used to assess family involvement in the Physiotherapy home program, and the Index Barthel was used to measure the ADL of stroke patients. Spearman Test was used to examine the relationship between both variables. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS. Normality tests showed the failure of the number of rearing data (p<0.05). Spearman test revealed that both groups had a significant relationship (p=0.000). There is a relationship between family involvement in the Physiotherapy home program and ADL in post-stroke patients.

Keywords: stroke, physiotherapy, relationship, activity daily living, home program


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