KnE Medicine

ISSN: 2519-125X

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Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease with Hepatitis B and/or Hepatitis C Comorbid in Hemodialysis Installation at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang General Hospital

Published date: Mar 08 2023

Journal Title: KnE Medicine

Issue title: 2nd International Conference on Medical Health Science (2nd ICMEDH)

Pages: 82–90

DOI: 10.18502/kme.v3i2.13039


Ro'di Nur Fajri - -

Achmad Rifa'i

Anggita Puspitasari


Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a clinical condition in which kidney function and/or structure is characterized by irreversible and slow, progressive evolution. CKD cases in Indonesia in 2018 amounted to 3.8% of the total population (713,783 cases). Prevalence of CKD patients with Hepatitis B and/or Hepatitis C at UMM General Hospital has never been reported before. Data were taken from the medical records of UMM General Hospital. Characteristics of the patients were age, gender, aetiology, vascular access and duration of hemodialysis. The results of the laboratory examinations analyzed were HBsAg and Anti-HCV on CKD patients who underwent hemodialysis every 6 months, starting from January 2020. Data were analyzed with descriptive analysis using SPSS v25. The demographic proportion of CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis was highest in the 50-59 year age group (33.8%). Males were more than females (85 patients, 53.1%). The most common aetiology of CKD at UMM General Hospital was caused by hypertension (92 patients, 57.5%). Vascular access mostly used was AV shunt (107 patients, 66.9%). 107 (66.9%) patients had undergone hemodialysis for 1-5 years. In January-June 2022, there were 2 (1.25%) Hepatitis B patients with CKD and 8 (5%) CKD patients with Hepatitis C. The majority of CKD patients at UMM General Hospital were male patients aged 50-59 years, having had hemodialysis for 1-5 years, using AV Shunt, with the most common cause being hypertension. In January-June 2022, there were 1.25% CKD patients with Hepatitis B and 5% CKD patients with Hepatitis C.

Keywords: CKD, hemodialysis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C


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