KnE Medicine

ISSN: 2519-125X

The latest conference proceedings on all fields of medicine.

The Correlation Between Hypertension Experienced by the Elderly and the Risk of Dementia

Published date: Feb 10 2023

Journal Title: KnE Medicine

Issue title: 5th Riau International Nursing Conference (RINC)

Pages: 149–158

DOI: 10.18502/kme.v3i1.12709


Reni Zulfitri - -

Husnawati .


Hypertension can change the structure of the blood vessels of the brain by interfering with the working mechanism of the brain. This study aimed to determine the correlation between hypertension experienced by the elderly and the risk of dementia. This research is a descriptive correlation with cross-sectional approach in Pekanbaru City. Samples in this study were 86 elderly people who were taken by purposive sampling technique. Data on the condition of hypertension experienced by the elderly were collected using a questionnaire and a blood pressure meter. Dementia risk data were collected using the MMSE (mini mental status examination). The descriptive analysis showed that 62.8% of the elderly had uncontrolled hypertension, 52.3% of the elderly did not routinely control their health, 54.7% of the elderly had hypertension for 5 years, 54.7% of the elderly had high-grade hypertension, and 52.3% of the elderly had impaired cognitive function or were at risk of dementia. The Chi-square test showed a significant correlation between the length of time the elderly suffer from hypertension and the risk of dementia with p-value = 0.000 (p-value < 0.005), while the variables of blood pressure condition, history of health control, and classification of hypertension experienced by the elderly do not have a significant correlation with dementia risk (p-value > 0.005). Hypertension for more than 5 years have had lacunar infarction in certain parts of the brain that can cause impaired cognitive function and even dementia.

Keywords: hypertension, elderly, dementia


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