KnE Medicine

ISSN: 2519-125X

The latest conference proceedings on all fields of medicine.

The Effect of Close Suction to Prevent Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Based on the Sequence Organ Failure Assessment Score (Sofa) and Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score

Published date: Feb 10 2023

Journal Title: KnE Medicine

Issue title: 5th Riau International Nursing Conference (RINC)

Pages: 140–148

DOI: 10.18502/kme.v3i1.12708


Siti Rahmalia HD - -

Sri Utami

Yufitriana Amir

Risma Defi Woferst

Gamya Tri Utami

Liza Imelda Hanafi

Nila Sari


The purpose of the study is to compare SOFA Score and CPIS by using close suction to prevent VAP. This is a quasi-experiment study without a control group. Close suction is used as an intervention. SOFA score and CIPS were used to evaluate VAP. The SOFA score assesses respiratory, platelet, liver, neurology, cardiovascular, and renal function. SOFA scores range from 0 to 24 and if the mean score ≥ 6 indicates the functioning organ is worse. CPIS evaluates body temperature, leucosis, sputum secretion, thorax photo, culture endotracheal secretion, and oxygen saturation. The CPIS score ranges from 0-12, more than 6 indicates the patient has VAP. This study included 20 ICU patients on ventilators. The collected data were analyzed using percentages, mean, and paired t-tests. The mean SOFA score before and after was 4.75 to 4.1 and CPIS 2.9 to 2.65 before and after providing close suction. The close suction is significant to prevent VAP (p-value < 0.00). Close suction is effective to prevent VAP in patients with ventilator mechanics, and VAP can be measured using the SOFA score and CPIS.

Keywords: close suction, CPIS, mechanic ventilator, ventilator-associated pneumonia, SOFA


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