KnE Medicine

ISSN: 2519-125X

The latest conference proceedings on all fields of medicine.

Physical Activity of the Elderly with Cardiovascular Disease During the COVID -19 Pandemic

Published date: Feb 10 2023

Journal Title: KnE Medicine

Issue title: 5th Riau International Nursing Conference (RINC)

Pages: 109–120

DOI: 10.18502/kme.v3i1.12704


Ari Rahmat Aziz - -

Didi Kurniawan

Reni Zulfitri

Arneliwati .


Cardiovascular disease is a major cause of disability and death in the elderly. Performing regular physical activity within the body’s tolerance limit is another way to reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. The study aimed to determine the physical activity of the elderly with cardiovascular disease during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used a descriptive survey. The study took place in the Payung Sekaki Health Center’s work area. A cluster random sampling technique was employed in the sampling. There were four clusters with a total of 100 elderly respondents. Physical activity was measured using the PASE (physical activities scale for the elderly) questionnaire. The research showed that the majority of the elderly (56%) were women, the age included in the elderly category (60-74 years) was 96%, the ethnic groups came from Minang (37%), had a secondary education level (46%), worked history as a laborer (45%), the disease currently experienced by the elderly was 73% suffering from hypertension for 10-20 years (57%), complaints by the elderly during the last month are dizziness (58%) and neck pain (47 %), while the complaints experienced after physical activity was feeling weak (72%), and the physical activity of the elderly with cardiovascular problems during the COVID-19 pandemic was 67% having less physical activity. Based on these conditions, it can be concluded that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the elderly did not carry out physical activity. This condition should be a concern for healthcare providers, who should increase efforts to encourage the elderly to engage in physical activity.

Keywords: cardiovascular disease, physical activity, gerontology nursing


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