KnE Medicine

ISSN: 2519-125X

The latest conference proceedings on all fields of medicine.

Correlation Between Healthcare Practitioners Education and the Usability of Precordial ECG SafOne

Published date: Feb 10 2023

Journal Title: KnE Medicine

Issue title: 5th Riau International Nursing Conference (RINC)

Pages: 50–56

DOI: 10.18502/kme.v3i1.12697


Wan Nishfa Dewi - -

Hellena Deli

Yulia Rizka

Rismadefi Woferst

Ade Dilaruri

Qodri Alamsyah

Irwan Irwan

Irman Tabroni


Performing electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings using the standard method presents a challenge to healthcare practitioners because of the need to precisely locate the six precordial electrodes or lead according to the six thoracic landmarks. A new method using precordial lead ECG SafOne was introduced to healthcare professionals and compared to the precordial lead standard. The study aims to identify the correlation between healthcare practitioners’ education and the usability of the precordial ECG SafOne. This study employed a quantitative descriptive design using a user-centered design survey method. Two hundred twenty-eight healthcare practitioners, including doctors and nurses from three hospitals in Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia, participated in this study and were selected using the purposive sampling technique. Evaluation variables assessment was collected using the precordial ECG SafOne questionnaire. The data analysis used was Spearman Rho to identify the correlation between the two variables investigated. Demographic data depicts that most of the participants were nurses 215 (94.2%), healthcare practitioners education background with Diploma 107 (46%), registered nurses 108 (47.4%), and Doctors 13 (5.7%), and average age was the early adult stage, 103 participants (45.2%). The bivariate analysis results show a correlation between healthcare practitioners’ education and usability of the precordial ECG SafOne with a p-value of 0.029 (p-value < 0.05). In conclusion, healthcare practitioners appraise the precordial ECG SafOne as an effective, applicable, practical, and renovate tool and valuable for electrocardiogram recordings in patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Keywords: education, usability, electrocardiography, SafOne, healthcare practitioners


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