KnE Medicine

ISSN: 2519-125X

The latest conference proceedings on all fields of medicine.

Food Sanitation Hygiene Behavior and its Relationship With the Incidence of Stunting

Published date: Sep 15 2022

Journal Title: KnE Medicine

Issue title: The International Conference of Medicine and Health (ICMEDH)

Pages: 25–33

DOI: 10.18502/kme.v2i3.11848


Nur Melizza -

Retno Palupi

Anggraini Dwi Kurnia

Nur Lailatul Masruroh

Yoyok Bekti Prasetyo


Stunting is a linear growth delay caused by the accumulation of nutritional insufficiency over a long period. Influencing factors include maternal hygiene behavior related to nutrition and the incidence of food-related infections. This research aimed to determine the relationship between food sanitation hygiene behavior and the incidence of stunting in infants. This was an observational study with a cross-sectional design. The research subjects included 65 mothers and their toddlers aged 24-59 months. The Home Food Safety Questionnaire was used to measure food sanitation hygiene, and heights were measured with a microtoise. Data analysis was conducted using Spearman Rank. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the behavior of sanitation hygiene and the incidence of stunting (p = 0.04). It is important to take into account other factors such as maternal knowledge, toddler weight history, and maternal nutrition during pregnancy.

Keywords: behavior, hygiene, food sanitation, stunting, toddlers


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