KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.

The Body Aids Orthosis As a Superior Product towards Public Service Agency (BLU) of the Polytechnic MOH Jakarta 1

Published date: Dec 23 2019

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: The First International Conference on Health Profession

Pages: 179–195

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v4i15.5758


Atikah Adyas Anwar

Burlian Mughnie

Ahmad Jet Alamin


Background: The public service agency (BLU) plays an important role in serving the community because of its autonomy in the provision of goods and/or services. The number of patients in the orthotics prosthetics (OP) disability clinic at the Health Polytechnic Jakarta I is increasing. There are 70 new patients that have been waiting for services. Meanwhile, 20 patients have to be given maintenance. This study aims to perform an assessment of the services of the OP disability clinic towards the public service agency of the Health Polytechnic Jakarta 1. Method: The research design is a cross-sectional followed by a qualitative study. The 51 disabled patients visiting the clinic in September–November 2014 were asked to fill a questioner. In-depth interviews with top management, focus group discussions with providers were carried out to connect patient data. Result: The orthotic services are most requested by patients (51%). Crosstab analysis showed a relationship between the type of service and patients visit (p-value = 0,043). Although no significant relationship between insurance ownership and patient visits was seen, univariate analysis shows 43,7% patients have insurance. The qualitative data revealed that top management provided policy support so that the clinic can develop into BLU. Likewise, service providers feel confident to serve because of international standards owned by the clinic, and will continue to serve patients as long as infrastructure and human resources improved. Conclusion: Health Polytechnic Jakarta I has the big potential of becoming a BLU because it has a clinic that can be a source of income. Policies are needed to implement BLU.


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