KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.

The Correlation Between Environment Sanitation and the Infancy Diarrhea in the Working Area of Rejosari Central Health

Published date: Mar 12 2019

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: The 1st Payung Negeri International Health Conference

Pages: 169–176

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v4i10.3841


R Pramulia Fitri S -


Diarrhea is an endemic in Indonesia and become one potential KLB disease that is possible followed by death. In 2015, it is happened 18 times of KLB Diarrhea which is spreading in the 11 province, 18 regencies, with the patient of 1.213 people and death of 30 people (CFR 2,47%). In the world, diarrhea becomes the second cause of infant death in the world. Some related factors to the diarrhea is caused by the water sanitation is not well, polluted by feces, less sanitation facilities (feces disposal is not clean), bad personal and environment sanitation. Infancy diarrhea incident can be said as social pediatric because diarrhea is one of the disease that exist in developed country. This research was quantitative research with analytical design of Cross Sectional approach with total population of 2.057 people and sample of 95 Respondents. Respondent univariate result which was got the diarrhea in the last 3 months was 58 (62,1%) with risky waste treatment of 66 (69,5%), risky clean water supply of 57 (60%). The bivariate result, there was a correlation between waste management (p value 0,0001) and clean water supply (p0,0001) to the infancy diarrhea. It can be concluded that there is a
correlation between waste treatments to the diarrhea incident by risky waste treatment will caused diarrhea 7 times greater. There is also a correlation between clean water supply and diarrhea incident by risky water supply will caused diarrhea 8 times greater.

Keywords: environment sanitation, infancy diarrhea, Pekanbaru, 2018


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