KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.

Menopause Awareness, Symptoms Assessment and Menqol Among Bahrain Women

Published date: Oct 15 2018

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: Sustainability and Resilience Conference: Mitigating Risks and Emergency Planning – Life Sciences Track

Pages: 61–77

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v4i6.3091


N Gayathripriya -

N Alasmar

M Omar

Kout Khalid

H Saleh

H Mohammed

K Rajeswari

G Sumathi


Menopause is a normal physiological process of the permanent cessation of ovarian hormone reproduction, thereby offending the regular menstrual cycle. Critical period in women’s life occurs 40 to 60 years. Frequently reported symptoms are physiological disturbances, psychological complaints including mood swings and& other changes that may impair the overall quality of life. Menopausal symptoms significantly reduce the Quality of Life (QOL) and further worsens with more severity of the condition. The aim of this study was to assess the menopausal awareness and related symptoms that affects the quality of life. Methods: A cross-sectional community survey design was adopted among 128 women through convenience sampling by using Menopause awareness scale and MenQol. Results: The domain-wise prevalence of symptoms score on vasomotor was 51.5%(66), psychosocial 35.2%(45), 44.5%(57), sexual 25.8%(33) and others 44.5%(57). Overall score was 40.6%(52). In relation to menopause awareness, low 7.8 % (10), Moderate 82.0% (105) and high 10.2%(13).
Conclusion: Menopause awareness programs need to be initiated at the community level for better health and the Quality of Life.

Keywords: Menopause, Bahraini women, Menopause related QOL, Awareness


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