KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.

Particulate Matter 10 and the Incidence of Acute Respiratory Infectionsin Children in an Industrial Stone-carving Area in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Published date: May 17 2018

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: The 2nd International Meeting of Public Health 2016 (IMOPH) – Part I

Pages: 492–501

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v4i4.2311


Stone carving, which is a common craft industry throughout Allakuang village, has the potential to produce particulate matter 10 (PM10) during the cutting and grinding of stone. This can result in air pollution in the workplace, as well as in the homes of local residents. PM10 is a risk factor for acute respiratory infections (ARIs) in children. This study aimed to determine the association between exposure to dust PM10 inside homes and the incidence of acute respiratory infections (ARI) in children. This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Allakuang village, Maritengngae subdistrict, Sidrap, South Sulawesi, Indonesia and consisted of 101 children. ARI cases were based on a doctor’s diagnosis. The concentration of PM10 in the workplace was assessed using
a Haz-Dust EPAM 5000 monitor. Chi-square analysis and multiple logistic regression tests were conducted. The concentration of PM10 was significantly associated with the incidence of ARIs (2.6; 1.1-6.1). The results of the multivariate analysis showed that children living in homes with PM10 concentrations that exceeded accepted limits had a 3.5 times higher risk of ARIs after adjusting for smoking behavior of family members. The significant association between the PM10 concentration and incidence of ARIs in children found in this study points to the need to control stone dust in the stone carving craft industry to prevent indoor air pollution of homes close to the industrial area.

Keywords: PM10, acute respiratory infection, children, craft stone carving


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