KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.

Recurrent Stroke among Patients at Indonesia’s National Brain Center Hospital: Contributing Factors

Published date: May 17 2018

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: The 2nd International Meeting of Public Health 2016 (IMOPH) – Part I

Pages: 19–26

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v4i4.2259


This study aims to determine the risk of recurrent stroke among patients at the Indonesian national brain center (Rumah Sakit Pusat Otak Nasional, or RSPON) who have suffered a first stroke. In this retrospective study, all the patients who were selected had had their first stroke in 2014. The Kaplan-Meier and multivariate
Cox regression methods of data analysis were utilized. The results show that the average survival period after stroke recurrence is 38 months, with the median being 25 months. Age, hypertension, obesity, and irregular control are the variables that play a key role in the recurrence of strokes. Stroke patients who did not control
their conditions regularly after the first attack had an 8.7 times higher risk of stroke recurrence. The incidence of recurrent stroke before 15 months was higher in those who were overweight or obese (HR = 1.96 and 3.38), and those who had developed pre-hypertension (HR = 2.26). Additionally, at observation after 15 months, levels of grade 1 and 2 hypertension in the cohort were higher (HR = 2.86 and 2.07). To reduce the risk of recurrent stroke, there is a need for stroke prevention via routine medical examinations at clinics and community stroke seminars to raise awareness of the risks. In addition, the establishment of a stroke community association in each region is recommended.

Keywords: hypertension, recurrent stroke, irregular control, survival analysis


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