KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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The System for Developing New Products at a Machine-building Enterprise Using System Engineering Techniques (For Example, PJSC MZIK)

Published date: Apr 08 2020

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: III Annual International Conference "System Engineering"

Pages: 184–190

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v5i3.6780


A.Yu. Solopovsolopov.aleksey@gmail.comPJSC ”Machine-building plant named after M.I. Kalinina ”, Russia, 620017, Ekaterinburg, st. Cosmonauts Avenue, 18


This article describes the problem of the task of finding and developing a new product in the conditions of a machine-building enterprise, as well as the vision of solving this problem (organization of works on search of ideas and development of a new product within the life cycle of the product at the machine-building plant named after M.I. Kinin). The picture of the task as a whole - on creation of an effective system of product support according to the life cycle is described. Technical and project processes are also considered as they are seen for implementation according to GOST 15288.

Keywords: product life cycle, requirements engineering, requirements verification, competence, production.


[1] GOST R 15.201-2000 The system of development and putting products into production. Products for industrial purposes. The procedure for the development and putting products into production.

[2] GOST R 15.301-2016 The system of development and putting products into production. Products for industrial purposes. The procedure for the development and putting products into production.

[3] GOST R 15.000 The system of development and putting products into production. Key Points.

[4] GOST R ISO 15288-2005. Information technology. Systems Engineering Systems Life Cycle Processes.

[5] Alexander Prosvirnov. Systems engineering - a myth or a key to efficiency. JSC VNIIIAES; ”COST MANAGEMENT”, US Department of Energy (DOE). Office of Administration, Budget and Evaluation (


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