KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.

Justification of a New Solution in the Field of Stroke Rehabilitation

Published date: Apr 08 2020

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: III Annual International Conference "System Engineering"

Pages: 94–99

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v5i3.6764


B.S. Gareev Bogdangareev196@gmail.comUral Federal University named after the first Russian President B.N. Yeltsin, Russia, 620002, Ekaterinburg, street Mira, 19

A.N. KuleminUral Federal University named after the first Russian President B.N. Yeltsin, Russia, 620002, Ekaterinburg, street Mira, 19


This research consists in the creation of a hardware-software complex for the rehabilitation of stroke patients. The device is designed for rehabilitation of patients after acute disorders of cerebral blood circulation with severe neurotraumas. The device is based on two existing rehabilitation technologies: the method of transcranial brain stimulation with the help of a magnetic neurostimulator, and the development of hand motility with the help of gloves. The combination of these two methods will allow patients to recover effectively, even at home, after they was suffering from neurotrauma.

Keywords: stroke, ischemic, rehabilitation, biofeedback, paresis, brain, computer, mechanized glove, hardware, and software complex, CNS diseases, integration, TMS, magnetic neurostimulator


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