KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.

Development and Description of a Retail Outlet Simulation Model for Validating Information System Algorithms

Published date: Apr 08 2020

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: III Annual International Conference "System Engineering"

Pages: 88–93

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v5i3.6763


M.A. Dubova mariya.dubova.97@mail.ruJSC ABC Solutions, Russia, Moscow, Letnikovskaya st., 10/4

A.N. KuleminJSC ABC Solutions, Russia, Moscow, Letnikovskaya st., 10/4


The article discusses the process of development an imitational model of the outlet. This model is created to validate calculation algorithms in the workforce management information system by evaluating the effectiveness of the some count of schedules, which are built with this system. If this schedules are more effective than the previous algorithm’s schedules, so new algorithm is more effective than previous version. Model is needed because calculation algorithms can not be used for validation themselves. Validation with real client’s outlet is so long and expensive, and is check only one or pair the calculation’s algorithms results, so in fact it can’t be used. Imitation model provide a chance to imitate works different types of outlets with many variants results of new version the calculation algorithms. AnyLogic was chosen because it is superior in functionality to the alternative despite the rather high cost of an official license. The text contains the results of the work performed, a brief description of the stages is given.

Keywords: simulation modeling, AnyLogic, validation, information systems, workforce management


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