KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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Binary Composite Fiber Elasticity using Spring-Mass and Non-Interacting Parallel Sub-Fiber Model

Published date: Sep 05 2016

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: Conference on Science and Engineering for Instrumentation, Environment and Renewable Energy


DOI: 10.18502/keg.v1i1.519

Composite materials have been investigated elsewhere. Most of the studies are based on experimental results. This paper reports a numerical study of elasticity modulus of binary fiber composite materials. In this study, we use binary fiber composite materials model which consists of materials of types A and B. The composite is simplified into compound of non-interacting parallel sub-fibers. Each sub-fiber is modeled as Ns point of masses in series configuration. Two adjacent point of mass is connected with spring constant k (related and proportional to Young modulus E), where it could be kAA, kAB, or kBB depend on material type of the two point of masses. Three possible combinations of spring constant are investigated: (a) [kAB < min(kAA, kBB)], (b) [min(kAA, kBB) < kAB < max(kAA, kBB)], and (c) [max(kAA, kBB) < kAB]. The combinations are labeled as composite type I, II, and III, respectively. It is observed that only type II fits most the region limited by Voight and Reuss formulas.

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