KnE Engineering
ISSN: 2518-6841
The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.
Comparative Analysis of File Transfer Performance Between Java and.NET Using a Hybrid Encryption Protocol with AES and RSA
Published date: Dec 27 2018
Journal Title: KnE Engineering
Issue title: Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Programming jointly held with the International Congress on Technology Education
Pages: 161–177
The purpose of the research project was to carry out the comparative analysis of the performance of a computer system using a hybrid encryption protocol (symmetric AES and asymmetric RSA) and the mechanism of sockets between the JAVA and.NET platforms, applied to the system of information backups for the Loja Technical Office of the Zonal Coordination 7 of the Identification and Certification of the Civil Registry. To determine the performance between both platforms, the analysis of each indicator obtained from the FURPS Model was done with a sample of 335 files distributed among 200 light, 100 medium and 35 heavy, for which the nonparametric analysis algorithm Mann–Whiney was used, obtaining as a result a significant difference in favor of C # in terms of response time, while for the consumption of resources (RAM and CPU) a significant difference was found in favor of Java.
Keywords: cryptography, AES, RSA, Java, C#
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